Catalyzing Confidence & Cultivating Community
By creating a culturally unique learning space where we place positive role models who look like them right in their path, we give room for Black girls to achieve cognitive and mental resilience lending to the development of a STEM mindset and belief in their STEM capabilities.

Our Approach
Black Girl Do STEM envisions a “New Normal” where there is equitable representation of Black women across all STEM fields.
Our goal is to create a cradle-to-career pathway to strengthen and diversify the pipeline of skilled workers entering today’s dynamic labor market.
Black Girls Do STEM specifically targets Black girls who have been traditionally under-represented in STEM fields. We work to advance 21st century skills necessary to complete rigorous academic programs and obtain family-wage employment.
By creating a culturally affirming learning space, we give room for cognitive and mental resilience. Our programs provide a seven-year continuous pathway for Black girls beginning in 6th grade through to 12th. We also support them into university and workforce entry.

Meet Our Founder
My purpose of creating Black Girls Do STEM is to change the face of STEM industry. As both black and a women I have felt cultural isolated in STEM workplaces. I can say I often walk into spaces as either the only black women or only minority. I see very few people who look like me leading within STEM industry. I am left to ask myself why? Then as I reflect on my college years and upbringing I am faced with the harsh reality that lack of exposure and encouragement may be the reasoning for my often solo appearance in STEM industry.
By launching Black Girls Do STEM, I strive to provide middle school aged black girls opportunity to learn, create, and build confidence in their abilities to become STEM professionals. In doing this we will be closing the gap between black woman scientist and engineers and the rest of the STEM world. Opening black girls eyes to the possibilities in STEM while they are still curious and excited to learn new things, giving black girls the opportunity to be on the forefront of the next scientific discovery. I believe black girls can, black girls will; do STEM!
-Cynthia Chapple